Borderline Personality Disorder
You were told you have borderline personality disorder.
You are afraid you have borderline personality disorder.
Someone else in your family has bpd and you want to make sure you don’t.
I am going to be upfront with you – I don’t care about that label at all, ever. I want to know what happens that gets in your way and we will work with your experience.
People, even some therapists, throw that label around as insult, an excuse or a death sentence. That is not my point of view.
No one gets to determine who you are, how you love or what your future is. In your life you get to make those calls
This is what I see from the people who come into my office with the borderline label shackled to their identity.
They are driven folks that are told their intensity is a negative trait.
They are people that want to communicate well.
They freely give of themselves to others, sometimes to their detriment.
Healthy relationships are their number one priority.
They know what they want to be but just not how to get there.
All of this is workable and there is no need for pathology.
When I say I don’t care about that label, I am not saying I don’t know how to treat the symptoms associated with borderline personality disorder. I do – in fact I am known as a therapist that treats bpd. I just refuse to co-sign on limitations often ascribed to the label.
How do I treat folks that struggle with bpd? like everyone else that comes into therapy
Sometimes we work on a pressing dilemma. Sometimes we role play and teach communication skills. Sometimes we explore who modeled how to ‘do life’ coming up and whether that model works for you. We clear out the negative press about you that is running around in your head. You will learn how to respond differently, internally and externally. We talk about your goals and how to get closer to your dreams. We create the 2.0 version of you.
I often treat the above-mentioned struggles with EMDR.
Schedule a consult with me if you are willing to shed the label and all the trash that comes along with it.