News Articles
Kimberly has been interviewed and featured in a variety of articles. Click the links below to read the articles:
What Can I Do If I Feel My Partner Pulling Away?
If you and your partner have been dating for a while and you’ve started to notice a shift in your relationship — they aren’t as responsive to your touches as they were before, they’ve stopped planning romantic dates nights, or they’re just acting more distant overall — you may be up all night wondering what can you do to stop your partner from pulling away.
How to Handle
a Narcissistic Mother
Anju Chandy was 18 years old when she left her Bakersfield, CA, home for a college far away. After years of frustration, the more miles she could put between her and her narcissistic mother, the better.
One Major Red Flag You're a Narcissist, Says New Study
It's incredibly easy to find fault with those who walk through the world with a brazen sense of superiority—those who exaggerate themselves, feast on attention, flood their Instagram accounts with selfies, and expect to be showered with love and envy while reciprocating practically nothing.
What to Say
to Someone Who
Lost a Child
When people lose someone that they love, especially when it’s their child, it is a time of great sadness and grief.
How to Handle a Narcissist
You may wonder if your partner, co-worker, or family member is a narcissist. While many people have what doctors call narcissistic traits, like self-importance and entitlement (thinking they’re owed something), people diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder can be a bigger challenge.
From Best Friends
to Platonic Spouses
Some people are taking their friendships to the next level by saying “I do” to marriages without sex.
Kimberly Perlin: “Know your ideal client ”
Do not lone wolf your business, use your networks, expand them continuously and pay for consultation for both the business and clinical side. My best referrals come from past clients and clinicians that know me. In order to grow beyond my imagination I needed feedback from others. It saved time and money.
How To Survive And Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person
Surround yourself with an empathetic and supportive tribe — My people know why I need to wear sunglasses while I drive (my eyes are crazy sensitive) or how I prefer to drive long distances rather than ride shotgun to avoid car sickness. You learn to weed out those who are inclined to ridicule when they sense a difference because really how fun are those conversations?
How Decluttering at Home
Sets Healthy Boundaries
for Parents
It's amazing how cleaning the kitchen junk drawer or making room in the garage can become an unexpected test to a parent's mental health—and bring up boundary issues they never knew they had.
What Tough Love Looks Like
in a Marriage
“Give 'em some tough love.” It's an often-repeated saying in relationships, both with kids and adults. Let's say your kid is acting out. It's common, as a parent, to use a bit of tough love to teach your child a lesson — for example, warning them that you'll take away that night's screen time if they continue throwing peas at the dinner table.
Here's What Your Kid Is Really Saying When They Tell You They Hate You
It seems almost unimaginable, but that beautiful little baby who is gazing lovingly at you may one day grow up and utter those three words. No, not “I love you,” but “I hate you.” These words will be said with such complete conviction that it will shake you to your very core, and make you wonder if you’re the worst mother who ever walked the earth. (You’re not, by the way.) If you’re asking yourself why your kid claims to hate you, there are a few reasons why such a statement might be said — and no, they don’t really mean it.
Easing Back into Life after the Pandemic
Pace yourself — don’t try to make yourself have the same social schedule you had pre-Covid. Go to the things you really want to go to and see the folks you really want to see. Don’t force yourself to attend meetups that you are not interested in.
7 resources for victims of domestic violence
Domestic violence is a devastating and isolating experience. Often, it can feel like your alone or that there’s no way out. This is not the case, though. In fact, an estimated 10 million people are affected by domestic violence each year. While shocking, there are many resources for victims to safely leave their current environment and recover, physically and emotionally, from violence. Continue reading to learn about seven resources for domestic violence victims that medical professionals, lawyers, and mental health experts recommend.
How to Get Over a Narcissist (According to 11 Experts)
It’s hard to get over a narcissist. They have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves for getting people invested and entangled within them.
If you’re going through the process of getting over a narcissist, here are some things that might help, as discussed by experts.
PTSD Treatment: A Multi-Pronged Approach
“Therapists use lights, tapping and sound to mimic REM sleep, which is when the brain processes the events of the day,” says Kimberly Perlin, master of social work, (MSW), who uses EMDR in her practice. “EMDR often helps clients process traumas quickly and get relief from their systems faster.”
15 Early Relationship Problems That Can Get Worse Over Time
It's often tough to spot potential relationship problems when you're in the throes of a new love. You may even look past red flags or hope that minor-seeming issues will magically smooth themselves over — after all, the honeymoon phase can make you view your S.O. with rose-colored glasses. But the reality is that lots of early relationship issues can get worse over time.
How to Help a Partner With Low Self-Esteem: 6 Therapist-Approved Tips
“It's important to acknowledge that you can't fix it yourself. But you can help create conditions for them to thrive.”
The Friend Who Got Away
How to rekindle that relationship — if you want to. We all have one. The bestie who got away thanks to that terrible argument or that boyfriend who snatched her or the move that took her to the other end of the world.
In parenting or politics, appeasement is often a losing psychological strategy, experts say
Psychologists say there's a psychological reason why some people appease — and a reason it doesn't always work. This story is not just relevant to geopolitics; nearly everyone has had to debate the strategy of appeasing someone in their life — whether a bully, boss, narcissist, partner, or otherwise.
What Are Enmeshed Relationships? And How to Set Boundaries
If you’re in a relationship where you always put the other person’s needs first, you might be in an enmeshed relationship. But it’s possible to break old habits and set healthy boundaries.
8 Signs Someone Has A Superiority Complex
You may not realize it, but how you see yourself can affect the way you treat other people. For instance, when someone is content with themselves and where they are in life, it's easier to be genuinely happy for others and their success. But if they're someone who's not where they'd like to be and they need to devalue other people in order to feel better about themselves, that may be a sign of a superiority complex.
Why Are People so Easily Offended (According to Experts)
We live in a world where everyone is offended by something.
It could be the color of a person’s hair, the way they hold a spoon, the tone of their voice, or it could also be because of something they saw on social media — everyone has something they’re sensitive about, and when they come across it, they get upset.
Laughing at Work? It’s Good for You!
Bring those feel good hormones to work!
When was the last time you enjoyed a genuine laugh at work?
Money-Related Stress: 7 Tips from Psychologists
If you regularly worry about money, you are not alone. Every year the American Psychological Association (APA) commissions an annual nationwide survey to examine and understand the impact of stress. And every year since it began collecting data in 2007, money-related stress has been a top concern.
Defining Mental Disorders Is Not Clear Cut
The number of people affected by a mental disorder is growing, along with vagueness around the term “mental disorder ”A recent Psychological Medicine article explores the controversy around defining what thoughts and behavior indicate a diagnosis and suggests that the psychiatric field would “benefit from developing more sharply defined indicators of dysfunction”.
You Should Know About the ‘Grey Rock Method’ if You Have To Communicate With a Narcissist
Having to deal with a narcissistic person can include being the subject to unfair blame, gaslighting, or a general dismissiveness of your emotions. Of course, these are only a few of the common signs of narcissism, which can also take a number of different forms.
Are You Guilty Of “Weaponized Incompetence”?
Ever pretend to be bad at a household task so you don’t have to do it? This is known as “weaponized incompetence” and the dishonest behavior can quickly take a toll.
What Is Love Bombing and How Is it Different From Falling in Love?
One of the cruelest realities is that an unhealthy relationship often starts out feeling like the most wonderful romance of your entire life. In some cases, that’s thanks to love bombing: a pattern of manipulative, often subtle behaviors your partner performs as acts of love. While these behaviors—like excessive attention and affection—may seem perfectly lovely and downright dreamy at first...
Tips to Heal After Growing Up with a Dismissive Mother
Feeling unloved and rejected by your parent at any age can be an extremely painful situation. If not addressed, you could carry this pain with you into other relationships. This may be particularly the case if this has been your experience with your mother, the primary bond for many people. Feeling unloved as a child may impact how you navigate life later on.
What Does a Narcissist Want in a Relationship? (20+ Things They Look For)
When it comes to relationships, everyone wants something different. For some, all they want is companionship and love. For others, they might be looking for a specific type of partner. But what about people with narcissistic personality traits? What do they want in a relationship? Is it validation and admiration? Control, perhaps?
How To Spot Abuse: 15 Behaviors & warning Signs
At its core, narcissism is selfishness and entitlement taken too far. Narcissists stretch the boundaries of self-confidence to embody a superiority complex and exhibit a lack of empathy toward others. Living with or loving a person who has narcissistic traits is no easy feat. In fact, due to narcissists' manipulative behaviors...
How Does a Narcissist React When They Can't control You (According to 5+ Experts)
If you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist or are currently in one, you know that they can be controlling and manipulative. They can’t stand it when they don’t have the upper hand. But what happens when they can’t control you? How do you think they would feel? We asked experts to help us understand narcissists’ reactions when they can’t control you. Here are...
10 Tips to Help You Through an Episode of Depression
An episode of depression refers to experiencing symptoms of depression that last for at least 2 weeks. This may happen if you live with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In any of these cases, symptoms can be managed, and although it may take some time, treatment is available. It’s also possible to cope...
60+ Signs of an Emotionally Unavailable Man
Do you ever feel like you’re constantly giving to your partner, but he never really seems to be there for you? If so, he may be emotionally unavailable. Such a type can be challenging to deal with, but knowing the signs can help you take steps to either repair the relationship or move on. If you’re worried that you might be dating or involved...
Depression Without a Cause: What Does It Mean?
You might find yourself experiencing a persistently low mood. Maybe you feel irritable or can’t sleep well. Is it depression? And if so, what caused it? Even if you feel there’s no reason for it, depression has a few contributing factors. Some of them can be recent, and others may come from early experiences...